Looks like somebody copied Portal Defenders' homework and missed out the bits that made it make enjoyable, because this is just Portal Defenders minus being challenging, and missing lots of its content.
The gameplay would've been more fun if the enemies had tactics beside "Walk right at him." because I spent most of my time on the game standing with my back to a wall and giving my fingers a workout by spamming 'A', the shield button is pointless can just walk through you and attack you from behind when you take the shield off.
I did like the bits in the elevator where you randomly pick a weapon to fight with, the only problem is that the weapons aren't very varied and most of them aren't ranged enough to attack them without them invading your personal space first.
Long story short, didn't enjoy it myself because it's just Portal Defenders but with less stuff, but people would enjoy it for the mindless fun value I suppose, which I personally didn't get.