lol ive finished school for some 6 weeks so i can get back to sitting on my backside all day doing nothing,
if anyone is interested i am doing several flashs at once here, ill give y'all a run through
1. Link's Courtyard Bloopers 2
everyone liked the first one, even i thought it was good even for me so i thought of a new one
2. Hedgehog House 3
nobody liked the first two so i spent a while thinking up a good story and i thought of one but im not telling you
3. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle: 2d (Name not final)
me and my friend SSONIC1020 (i think thats his username) decided to do 2D version of sonic adventure 2 battle, he is doing all the actionscript which i find difficult and i am drawing stuff and designing the levels and whatnot
4.Thing Thing Spoof 2: CWUZ 3
the CWUZ gang are making another thing thing flash as the firat was popular in comparison to the
christmas one
well thats all the news on my flashs so heres some other stuff.
1 person in a thousand (his name is Hyper-Freak92) actually likes my audio so im not gonna do anymore of that unless i magically become better.
my forum is one of the top posting forums on the forumwise technology forums (it has nothing to do with technology but i couldnt think of anything else at the time)
well im out so ill see y'all later
Kris B (CrispyZero)