Well heres a rather large picture that i made and submitted to DeviantArt, i call it Crispobo.
I'm being distracted by absolutely everything. I abandoned this account back in 2010, my former output disgusts me to this day.
Age 31, Male
Eater of Sugar Puffs
Unknown to this day
Crispee's Kingdom, UK.
Joined on 7/12/06
Posted by CrispyZero - February 17th, 2009
Well heres a rather large picture that i made and submitted to DeviantArt, i call it Crispobo.
So you Photoshopped it, huh...?
Cool. I might try that, I'm not too sure, though.
You should do, i reckon you should re draw your Malchior picture again in pencil and do what i did with this picture. It'll look mint.
I might try something else....
I'm not actually very good at Photoshop, but I AM learning Flash.
Photoshop is actually quite easy if you know exactly what to do, and Flash is rock hard at the beggining, but fun once you get the hang on it.
God damned sonicfag.
Get thue fuck out. NG has enough sonic shit without some untalented fucktard coming along and adding more to the cesspool of shit that sonic fandom has become.
Sonic used to be cool.
Now it's thanks to people like you that I'm beginning to hate it a little more every day.
Thats' "Mr" SonicFag to you.
Good image.
I'm more of a vector-based GIMP artist, really. It takes a long time to make, but the result is fucking awesome.
You might wanna explain that more slowly
I call it unoriginal
Good for you
will seek out your DA account...
It's crispy-zero, forgot to mention.
yeah, found you in a roundabout way, I found a guy with the same username as you but with an unused account which you had commented on
Ah yeah, i used to do that.
Who was it again?
I call it, Shitastic faggottry drawn by a little girl who wishes she could have a penis so as to fuck her boyfriend because he keeps eyeing the gay guys when they go out. A very fitting title.
That hurts, hurts like a knife...
*Loads shotgun* Run along now little cat..
ok ok i'll get on babeh ;D
You do that. Let's hope you're on by the time I've read that.
That's probably the best userpage ever.
Heh, okay, I'll explain it more slowly.
GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It can do just about everything Photoshop can, but is completely free. (And for Linux, yay me! There's also a Mac and Windows port.)
Vector drawing is drawing stuff with only lines, bucket fill tools, and gradients. That stuff takes a long time and lots of effort to do, but the result is fucking awesome.
That's what I meant, really. I use GIMP to make awesome vector drawings. :P
Sounds cool this GIMP thing.
Make sure to label that NSFW.
I don't need to label it, people should know better by now.
Lol, cool.
Did you paint that?
Nope, lemme tell you.
1.First I drew it with B and 4B pencils in black and white.
2.Second I took a picture of it and put it on my computer
3.Finally I used Photoshop and inserted the colours on.
If i can do it, then you should try and do it i reckon.