This is the mintest and most brilliant post in the world.
I long time ago my and my reflection... we were walking, down a rather short and empty corridor. All of a sudden, there shined my shiny computer. In the middle of the corridor. (which is weird since it's in my bedroom) And it said!: "Wriiiiiiiite me the bestttttttt postt in the world.
Or i'll erase all your files."
Well me and my reflection, we looked at each other.
And we both said (at the same, since he was my reflection), "Ok."
And i typed the first thing that came to my head and it just so happened to be, the best post in the world.
My computer snorted to me, "*snort* are you an antivirus?: and i said "Nay, i am but man".
And then i did a little guitar solo.
And the funny thing is that the post i wrote on that fateful night it didn't actually sound anything like this post!
This is just a tribute.
-KDB (CrispyZero
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